Here you will find information about what is happening in the church and the community. It is a place to share messages of hope, stories of Our Lord working in our lives and the lives of others. Here you can give a testimony a praise or offer a prayer. News is exactly as it is titled something new that we can all pray for or celebrate.
12/21/2022 Donate online

You no longer have to have a stamp or go to the post office, if you want to see this ministry have a greater impact on Kingdom growth you can now donate on-line. look for the button on the left of the home page or on our live stream, click on it and you will be taken to our tithing page where you can use a debit or credit card to whatever ministry you want your donation to go. I guarantee God will bless you for supporting the work He is doing through us. God Bless and thank you for your support. 

11/25/2022 Our Hearts are Heavy

A note for a passing
 Thanksgiving is normally a time of Joy, but this year that joy was tempered by the passing of a long-time member Gary Weller. Gary was here when the church was first built in 1965, we have pictures of him as a youth in the church's youth group clearing the land and helping with cleanup. Gary has always been the comic relief in our church, when thing got a little too serious, he would make a joke to lighten the mood. His heart was always for the people here and in the community, if anyone needed help, Gary was there. believe me when I say he is now with the Lord, praise God, but he will be missed by all in the church. Keep the light on Brother we will see you again when we all get to Heaven.

11/10/2022 Holiday Food Drive

 Time for a Food Drive.
I have started a food Drive for the Center of Concern here in Geneva. 
It will begin Monday Nov. 24th and end Monday Nov. 28th. People can drop their donations at the back door of the Church or if they call the church at 315-789-8454 and let me know they need a pickup then all they need to do is leave teir donation by their front door and I will pick it up in the church van. Please get the word out the Center of Concern food pantry is very low. prices for food are making it difficult for families to feed themselves. we need as many non-perishable items as possible to help the center help those in need this holiday season. Let us all show the Christian love Jesus instructed all his disciples to have. "Love one another as I have Loved you."  

10/28/2022 New Ministry

As I have been speaking, what a blessing it would be for us to meet once a week in the morning say around 10am for coffee and to discuss bible topics or current events both in the city or the nation or even the church. I would like to see it open to the public, so we can invite others to join us. This time would be a time to pray, to praise, to encourage, just a time to be in God's presence as His Children. Please let Pastor know if you would like to be a part of this and what morning works best for you. I firmly believe it will be a blessing to all that attend.

10/28/2022 New Website

As you can see, we have a new website. Also, I have returned us to using Christian World Media as our streaming service. You will notice that when streaming there is a chat area that Jeff will monitor from the sound booth, but anyone who wants to can help him with that. If you would like to be a contributor to the Website, please let me know, you will need to provide your email address so I can get you listed and you will have access. Please enjoy browsing and let me know what you think and any suggestions you have.